Doctors in Bredasdorp

Doctors in Bredasdorp are an integral part to the residents and community here. Unfortunately, disease, sickness and other ailments are not restricted by borders, which is why GP’s, homeopaths and other professionals in this field, are so important here. Additionally, while these independent doctors provide integral medical services and businesses, there are also clinics and government hospitals here that can assist in other specialised medical fields.

These are no ordinary businesses in this quaint, country side town. Each of the doctors and surgeons here are qualified, high-trained professionals, who have taken the Hippocratic oath to provide world-class health-care and medical services in Bredasdorp. Residents can easily make an appointment or wait their turn at the nearby hospital, to receive treatment for themselves or their children.

Bredasdorp doctors also service the greater Cape Agulhas municipality in the Overberg. This area of the Western Cape is a thriving tourist destination, as it’s home to the southern-most tip of Africa. Additionally, you can find several other coastal and inland towns here, namely Arniston, Napier, Elim, Agulhas and Struisbaai.

As a popular destination for international and local travellers, doctors in Bredasdorp, along with other amenities like accommodation, convenient stores and restaurants are a welcome luxury and a more important necessity. Tourists in the Cape Agulhas area have access to the doctors and medical facilities here, should they require them while on holiday.

Aside from the hospitals, clinics and doctor’s offices in Bredasdorp, there are additional facilities that ensure the medical services here can provide a comprehensive solution to care. Pharmacies, physiotherapists, dentists and chiropractors are just some of the services here that you can easily access. However, should you not be able to find what you need here, the other towns, each of which have their own facilities, professionals and businesses in this field, are just a short drive away.

Situated on the R316 via the N2, Bredasdorp is approximately 187kms away from the Cape Town CBD. A picturesque drive through the Overberg region, this means that should you require services or facilities that are not available in Bredasdorp, you can easily access Cape Town for major surgeries or specialised treatments.

Those looking to travel to Bredasdorp for medical services or any other reason can easily access the town by car, via the N2 or purchase a bus or sleep liner ticket. Alternatively, travellers can fly into Cape Town International Airport and simply hire a car or catch a lift with a colleague or friend. There’s also many independent transport services and tours that hold Bredasdorp on their list of stops.

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Healthcare practitioner, specialising as a General Practitioner, GP, in Bredasdorp.


Dr Retief, Christa, is a healthcare practitioner, specialising as a General Practitioner, GP, in Bredasdorp.

Dr Barto Saayman is a medical practitioner offering services such as dermapen, silhouette soft facial threading as well as botox and fillers.

Healthcare practitioner, specialising as a General Practitioner, GP, in Bredasdorp.

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Dr Retief, Christa, is a healthcare practitioner, specialising as a General Practitioner, GP, in Bredasdorp.

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Dr Barto Saayman is a medical practitioner offering services such as dermapen, silhouette soft facial threading as well as botox and fillers.

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